10th International Scratch conference, Bordeaux 2017
You are invited to the 2017 Scratch conference in Bordeaux, 18 – 21st July 2017.
Some special aspects of this Scratch conference:
- Celebrating 50 years of Logo and 10 years of Scratch with Cynthia Solomon and Mitch Resnick as guests of honor.
- Scratch was developed as programming to express oneself. We will feature much music and theatre driven by code, and will present the French premiere of adatheshow.com
- The African Scratch community, who due to lack of bandwidth operate mostly offline, will have Scratch2017BDX as the platform to show their take on Scratch.
- INRIA, our host, will take pride in showing how their open source robotics platform is opened for learners by the Scratch-like language Snap
- Class’Code, the MOOC aiming at French teachers including creative coding with Scratch, is well represented in our organizing team and will share the experience of their first year.
- We plan to publish Scratch Tales a book to celebrate 10 years of Scratch
- Sam Aaron, keynote speaker will perform at after party with SonicPi, his music making software designed with Seymour Papert in mind
- Our living room for the evening, Marché des Douves, will host a great Code-Make-Tinker fest where many of our presenters will take their workshops to Bordelais children of all ages
- Before conference satellite events with French teachers about Creative Coding and Robotics for Education
- Masterclasses on Beetle Blocks, new programming environment GP and more …
The Scratch Conference is an opportunity to meet people, share ideas, to be inspired and inspiring. It is a global fest to celebrate creativity and enjoy discoveries and understanding about Scratch and beyond.
We have an outlook to what the third edition of Scratch will bring us, ready for mobile and open for connections.
We’ll meet many members of the family who, building on the philosophy underpinning Scratch came up with other great creations, from programming languages for stitching to music and theatre.
Above all we’ll gather and tinker around ideas of computing. Computing for learning, computing for making us better humans, …